So, perhaps you're just dying to know what went down last night when I asked my stepfather for a loan. I absolutely HATE the idea of having to borrow money from anyone, especially him, but he is the only person I know who is in a position to help me.
So, what happened?
Turned down cold. Flat. "I don't have it," he said. "Maybe you need to have your water turned off or whatever to learn your lesson."
Maybe he has a point. But if all I was worried about was having my water turned off, I wouldn't have come to him in the first place.
Oh well.
Smart money says you should always have a contingency. Not that I have one. But I'm definitely working on one.
Yessir. I'm working on it.
So, in much lighter news, I reached the 100 views mark with the "Love's Holiday" video today on YouTube.
That's 100 views in 3 days, folks. Thank you for all your support. A special thank you to my homeboy Brian, who has been playing it for everyone he knows. Then he calls me to tell me about it. "Yo, Cee Brown, I'm over here with such and such and we just watched your video, yo. Shit's bananas, B. The shit is fresh."
"Thanks, Brian."
"I'm tellin' everybody, B. Then I'mma call you and tell you I told them and let you talk to them so they know it's real."
Brian, I've always said, could sell an asshole to a buttcrack. He has truly missed his calling. He should've been a Jewish television executive.
But in all seriousness, he's a good friend and a big thank you is in order. So, thanks, Brian.
On a personal note, the cute girl at my job gets dumber and cuter everyday. It's really quite amazing. I've never seen anything like it. I'm waiting to see where this is going though. Dumb has never bothered me before, but now it just looks like a big red flag. I keep thinking, "What if she got pregnant?"
I never used to think that. But now, it's, like, the first question that pops in my head. "How big of a disaster would it be if this woman got pregnant with my child?"
On an escalating scale, I'd put her at about a 6. Definitely undesirable and depressing to think about, but not catastrophic.
Fellas, where would you rate your lady? Ladies, where would you rate your man? Call it, the Unexpected Pregnancy Disaster Scale. I'd say that anything over a 4 means you probably shouldn't be sleeping with that person.
Still, how sick is that though? As a preliminary criteria? I think I need a vacation.
Or a really good beejay.
Oh yeah. I didn't forget. Today is Thursday, and, as promised, THE LEAK CONTINUES...
Let me know what you think. I actually made this one before "Love's Holiday". Hope ya like it.
Thanks for reading.
Tip of the Day: Beware the corner of the condom wrapper.

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