So, like, my homeboy and business partner Gill taught me how to use Photoshop earlier this year. I'm still an amateur, for the most part. All I really know how to do is doctor up a photo.
Yesterday, I posted about trying to chose a title for my new album. I put a poll in the right hand column of my BlogSpot page. So, if you're comment shy, but you have some suggestions, you can cast your vote here. If you're reading this on my MySpace page, make sure you visit me at to cast your vote.
So, back to the Photoshop thing. I've posted some doctored photos as potential covers for the new album. I've airbrushed out blemishes, razor bumps and the like, added some diffuse glow and what have you. I don't look anything like this in person actually. I'm a lot uglier than you may think I am. I'm really into shadows and drama, so consider that when making your suggestions. There are only three here. If any of you are artists and want some pro bono work, feel free to snatch the pics up and work your magic or send me something original.

I took this photo myself, actually. At my house with my digital camera. I like the darkness, the mood, the shadows, but I think it may not necessarily communicate the tone of the music, which is decidedly upbeat this time around.
I liked it for a while, and so did Joe D. But now I can't stop staring at my nose, which takes up like 40% of the picture. Then my forehead takes up another 40%. And the shadows look really unnatural. But, I still like the overall feel.

I also took this photo myself. It's probably my least favorite of the three. It makes me look meaner than I actually am. I am mean. Just not this mean. This guy looks like a terrorist who got rejected by Al-Qaeda for being over zealous. I like the colors though. And the sweaty look.
But again, there's that schnoz of mine hogging all the light. Fucking thing is like a little fetus on my face. I tried to crop it out, but it just looked weird. But like I said, I love the warm hues here. I think I went overboard with pupil doctoring though.

This is my personal favorite right now. My good, good homegirl, Kelli, took the picture. Visit her at (shameless plug). It best represents where I am emotionally right now. Despite my very serious money problems, I'm still in a great mood for some reason.
But it almost looks too happy. Which I'm not sure is a good look for me. I don't wanna be the happy rapper. Those guys don't get any respect.
You may hate all of these, but it's all I have for now. Let me know which one captures your eye. Again, if you want to lend a helping hand, it is much appreciated.
Thanks for all your help guys. Your comments have been great.
Thanks for reading.
Download the Hurricane Katrina 3rd Anniversary Commemorative Single "WHEN THE WELL RUNS DRY" (featuring Heron Gibran, produced by Du)
Postscript: I will be posting some of the new tracks next week, but you all will have to promise to keep it under your hat. It's some exclusive shit.
Okay, the third one is really nice. And LMAO @ "rejected by Al Qaida". It did look a little crazy.
Claude Have Mercy is pretty good. but i still voted for Oh, i see How it is, just cuz it was my suggestion.
The last pic is a bit "shiney happy people"ish, but it's the best of the 3 and you yourself say its more in tone with the ealbum and where you are n shit.
Here's more
"Only BUilt for Turkey Sausage Linx"
"Return to the 36 Chamberpots"
"Ready to Diet"
"Hug Motivation"
Thanks. I think I wa hungry that night. I always get pissy when I'm hungry or sleepy...or really, really horny.
Those titles are hilarious. If I ever decide to do a comedy album, you're the first person I'd call. I'm actually thinking about doing a humorous memoir of my life on the sub-sub-underground, completely profitless independent hip hop scene in the only major city in the United States that never produced a platinum rapper. Then we could put these titles to good use. Keep em coming.
Go with the first pic man.
You look like you just caught a murder case in the 2nd one and the third, well that is a little too kanyeish for me. But what do I know? Just do you man. I downloaded the single When the well runs dry and it is hot. Keep them bangers coming man.
I like happy rapper. Kanye West is a happy dude. He even has lasers in his show. And he gets respect and gets paid. And lots of ladies. Jay-Z did a cameo at his show at MSG the other day, so he wouldn't do that for a punk MC would he? Happy Rapper = good. :-)
Also did you know your nose continues to grow for the rest of your life? Do you think it will eventually look like Uncle Beau's?????
Third one - too, too happy for rapping.
Out of the three, i'd say pick #1, because number 2 looks like somebody the CIA and FBI are hunting for.
title - i voted for "The BAstard Returns"
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