So, I just got finished watching Obama deliver his speech at the Democratic National Convention. Right now, there are three gray-haired white men breaking his forty-two minute address down sentence by sentence.
Twenty-nine declarations of policy to counter attacks that his promises for change are empty political catch phrases.
Four direct attacks against the George W. Bush presidency.
Nineteen direct attacks against John McCain.
At some point, I imagine Barack is going to walk onto their set, pull his dick out, and they’ll all take turns blowing him.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I am, perhaps, the most ardent Barack supporter that I know personally. And I thought his speech, as usual, was absolutely spot-on. He’s a bad motherfucker. And I like the idea of having a bad motherfucker in office. And him being black is just icing on the cake.
And, no, I’m not particularly concerned with the issues. At least, I wasn’t before. But this brother makes me feel like I should care. It seemed, as corny as it sounds, that at certain points he was speaking directly to me.
He talked about people having mountainous student loans that they can’t pay off… Hello!
Increasing wages for educators…Hello!
People not being able to afford their mortgages…Hello!
Driving cars they can’t afford…Hell-fucking-o!
But in all fairness, there were some things that did bother me. So in the interest of being somewhat objective, I will list them in short order.
1. His daughters have their hair pressed. That really bothers me.
2. There’s something funny going on with Michelle’s mouth. I think she may have had her jaw broken before.
3. His suit jacket didn’t have a vent, which I think is a mistake fashion-wise.
4. He did stumble several times, which, as a rapper who must commit hundreds of thousands of words to memory, I find inexcusable.
5. His introductory video was a little white for my tastes. Makes it look like the only black person he knows is his wife.
Other than that, I was absolutely captivated. Makes me wonder what the Republicans are going to say tomorrow. I like the part where he challenged McCain to reframe from attacks against his character and patriotism. They’re gonna have to get really creative to offset the magnitude of this thing. It’s historical.
Even Pat Buchanan said, “This was genuinely outstanding, magnificent…it was beautiful.”
Times they are a’changin’. The oldest, whitest, orneriest conservative in politics had to take his turn licking the black man’s balls.
Maybe McCain will say, “You know what? Fuck it.”
But back to me. This Labor Day I will be posting my third solo album, “Ignorance & Confidence” for free download. I hope you all take a few minutes out of your day to click the link and have a listen.
If you love America, download my album. Because it’s never been about me. It’s about You.
Thanks for reading.
Innocent Question: Am I the only one that thinks the cameramen have been ordered to not shoot anymore profiles of Michelle’s booty? I haven’t seen that masterpiece of human flesh in months.

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ROFL! You must have been watching MSNBC, which i usually enjoy but i haven't seen that much dick riding since the last time Ahmad Rarshad was interviewing Michael Jordan. i'm posting this to Facebook...
how black should the video have been?...why should his children have locs instead of pressed hair?...just curious as to how that would have encouraged more blackness...most dreads i know date white people...
So, here's the thing. If a grown woman wants to wear her hair straight, curly, natural, braided or whatever, it's really none of my concern. As a general rule, however, I don't date women who wear perms or weaves. But, of course, adults can and should do whatever makes them feel good, provided it isn't hurting anyone else.
But as far as the young ladies go. The little girls. I think it's criminal to for a parent to participate in the pervasive upspoken conversation in the international media concerning hair texture and beauty concepts. Black girls have to develop an inordinate amount of self-confidence and intestinal fortitude to combat this phenomenon, this widespread farce suggesting that there is something unbecoming or less than beautiful about their hair in its natuaral state. It sucks to have your parent, your guardian, your guide, your point of reference walking against the flow of progress and silently conceding to the pressures of the world to look more like a white woman.
Of course, that's just my opinion. Everyone else is free to raise their children however they see fit. And I totally respect that. But if anyone comes near my daughter's head with a hot comb or a box of Just For Me...it's gon' be some shit.
As far as the video goes, I'm sure it was very intentional that the only black person in the clip besides him was his wife. He's trying to reassure white America that's he's just as white as they are.
What can I say? He's a master politician.
Yeah, the girls should have stayed Afrocentric and wore nappy hair to the speech. But...then, that would make Republicans feel justified in thinking they are little Angela Davises in training.
I liked his speech and your entertaining analysis of it.
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