So, after hours of deliberation I have finally decided on an album title.
Drumroll, please...
"Ignorance & Confidence"
I know. I know. I know. This title was not in the poll at all. I assure you I did not already have this title in mind before polling began. But seeing as how only 20 people voted, 57% of which voted for "Claude Have Mercy", which was perhaps my least favorite title (sorry, Joe), I decided to brainstorm on some new ideas.
"Ignorance & Confidence" comes from a Mark Twain quote: "To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence."
Twain is one of my favorite authors, gratuitous use of the "n" bomb aside, and this quote, I think, really speaks to my current state of mind.
And I finished the cover...

I decided to go with the Kanye photo (taken by my good, good friend Kelli Anderson of The track listing is pretty upbeat, and I think this cover keeps in line with the overall feel. Metrosexuality reluctantly admitted.
This is despite the fact that most of you seemed to like the dark photo with all the forehead in it. So, I guess this is an all around, old fashioned fake me out. Sort of like the 2000 presidential election.
I apologize for this deception, but I did it in your best interests. In the interest of freedom, democracy and the preservation of American values.
And now for another very short, humorous anecdote.
Once when I was little I put cologne on my junk. My mamma had to wash it off for me.
That's all I have today.
Oh...and once, when I was very little, I slammed my pecker in the toilet lid. Which is impressive, I guess. If you look at it a certain way.
Okay, that's it.
Enjoy today's vlog. A short documentary on a day in the life of my 9 to 5 alter ego. Nothing interesting happens. But it is kind of funny.
And, as promised...The Album Leak.
This track is called "Love's Holiday". It was produced by Joe D, with some vocal assistance from my homegirl Moon of The Uninterrupted Band, and a guitar solo from my buddy John Lee.
Only half a handful of people have heard this track so far, including the people who helped me record it. So, this is an official exclusive.
Let me know what you think, but be gentle. As you know, I am very sensitive.
Thanks for reading.
Download the new Hurricane Katrina 3rd Anniversary Commemorative Single "WHEN THE WELL RUNS DRY" (featuring Heron Gibran, produced by Du)
Tip of the Day: If you're a teacher, never shit in the student bathroom. No matter what the circumstances. They'll catch you and make you pay.
hahahahahahahaha! You're a funny Mexican.
That video was too funny!
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