58 views on the "Love's Holiday" video last time I checked YouTube. Here it is again in case you missed it.
My homeboy called me and told me he loved it and a few people left comments on some Ning sites. But I'm not satisfied. I need to be showered, no, bombarded with praise in order to feel good about all this.
So, I get home today, and low and behold, my Internet has been disconnected. No, it's not a felled power line. No there isn't something wrong with the tower or the satellite or where ever the hell the Internet comes from.
I am three months behind on my bill.
I don't know when I'll be able to pay them. I have a much larger bill called rent which is taking precedence this pay period. This broke shit is for the fucking birds!!!
I have gotta sell me some records, man.
I don't know. Maybe this is what they mean when they say things will get worse before they get better. Maybe I'll be telling all this shit to Conan O'Brien. I sure hope so.
Am I the only one who does imaginary dialogues with talk show hosts when he's home alone? I've been doing it since I was 8.
Weird kid.
By the way. The people at RCN are pure pricks. I called them to see if I could get on a payment plan.
"How about a payment plan?" I asked.
"I don't think so. We don't really do that here," replied the shockingly cold white girl on the other end.
"May I talk to a manager then?" I asked.
"You could. But there's really no point. He's just gonna tell you the same thing I just told you. We do not under any circumstances do payment plans. Your disconnection date is the 17th."
"But I need the Internet. I write a daily blog, and I have, like 3 dozen readers who'll be heartbroken if I don't post every morning. They might call the police and file, like, a missing person's report."
"That's too bad, sir. Your disconnection date is the 17th. Are you gonna be able to pay?"
"No, ma'am."
"Well, is that all then?"
Cold-hearted sons of bitches. True to their word, which is commendable. But sons of bitches nonetheless.
Where do they get off charging for the Internet anyway? It's the information super highway. Anything I want to know, I can find out in seconds. Shit like this shouldn't be a privilege of the wealthy. It should be free, goddammit.
Fucking faggot RCN fascist motherfuckers.
It's fucking George Bush and his goddamn war, and the fucking No Child Left Behind stupid law, insane gas prices, and what have you, fucked up economy, and I'm about to start selling crack.
Know what I'm saying?
In all seriousness, this couldn't have happened at a worse time. I'm supposed to drop an Internet-Only album in 2 weeks, and I don't have any fucking Internet. This has got to be some kind of message from God. I just don't have any fucking clue what he's trying to say.
"Become more fiscally responsible, my son."
Thanks a lot, God. I get it. Now use your magic Jesus powers to turn my fucking Internet back on.
In lighter news, I think I have a crush on the girl at work. We don't have anything in common and she's four years younger than me, but she's really cute and her body is amazing. Maybe I'll give it a shot. I'm like 0 for 3 this year in crush pursuance. I'm due for a W.
I'll keep you posted.
"The Leak" continues this Thursday, so make sure you're here to get the exclusive.
Thanks for reading.
Tip of the Day: Don't fuck with RCN. They're ruthless cunts.

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i was behind black cat for my usual after-work libation and came across the sound manager..asked him about hip hop shows...he mentioned the show that you performed at...in fact he said you were better than the main act...those kidz in the hall or something...let that be your fuel..only prollem' is he could not remember the name of your band...maybe you can do a black cat gig again...
i'm REALLY feeling the new video. The Beat, rhymes and the concept behind it. And i'm not just saying that because your begging for props like the dog in the "It's BACON!" commercial. i posted this to my Facebook page and gave you and your blog a shout out.
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