Still on vacation and still loving it, y'all. Today I rolled out of bed around 9:00. Now it's 10:00 and I'm sitting in front of my computer in my underwear. I'm scratching my left butt cheek. Later, I'm thinking about working on the right one. Jealous?
One of the good things about being on vacation is I get to watch daytime television. Yesterday I watched Divorce Court. I forgot they got rid of Mabeline. This new chick is not doing it for me. I thought Mabeline was kind of sexy with her little colorful collars and whatnot, a real MILF. I don't get that vibe from this new lady. And now everybody on the show is a crackhead, and they're all obviously lying.
It's stupid.
In fact, all black people on daytime television are crackheads now. It's like they passed a resolution or something. The hosts are complicit race-traitors. Luckily, white people are finding and inventing even more potent narcotics. To keep things interesting, you know.
This time we have to be really diligent about recording history accurately. When you think crack, you think black, right? We forget that it was developed in drug chemist laboratories by people who were neither poor nor black. We did the same thing with rock n' roll.
Now they say crystal meth, which for the past fifteen years has been running rampant through trailer park America, is creeping it's way into urban cities. Translation: it was a white thing, now it's becoming a black thing. Apparently, crystal meth is like crack times twenty. It will fuck you up and fuck you up quick. And it's cheap.
I guess what with all the movies and jokes about crackheads, it's hard to get new customers. What teenager is seriously considering trying crack these days? You've got Pookie from New Jack City and Tyrone from The Chappelle Show. Nobody wants to end up like that. When you think about crack, you imagine losing any concept of personal hygiene and possibly landing in a dark alley somewhere selling VCRs and prostituting yourself. Crack, I guess you could say, has a really bad reputation.
Heroine is different though. All your favorite musicians were on heroine. Miles Davis, Kurt Cobain, Ray Charles, etc. The list is endless. Cocaine is still pretty chic, too. All your favorite actors are on coke now.
Crystal meth though. It hasn't been glamorized yet, but it also hasn't been lampooned. Therefore, it would be extremely appealing to teenagers. Since they're over the whole ecstasy thing and always looking for something new. A close friend of mine told me she tried meth once. She said it was cool, but nothing to write home about. The next day, however, she found herself wanting more and thought she might take another hit before going to class. She couldn't find the stash though. She looked and looked and looked, but couldn't find it. She imagined she had been searching for thirty minutes or so but when she saw the clock she realized it had been three hours!!! That was the last time she took crystal meth.
Then there's this new thing, Salvia. Apparently it's a Mexican sage plant with strong hallucinogenic properties. And it's legal! Now there's something I would've been interested in 10 years ago. Only, you might go crazy and kill yourself.
I shudder to think of my students, who are already crazy, getting hooked up with stuff like crystal meth and salvia. It's hard enough to deal with the weed and the alcohol. Then there's the PCP, which has had a resurgence in popularity here in DC. It's all the rave. The kids are dipping their cigarettes in the stuff. They call them 'dippers'. They are also cheap and potent. They get high on these dippers then go do all kinds of crazy stuff.
One of the funny side effects is the stripping.
The stuff makes you hot. You start sweating like a slave and sometimes people take their clothes off. But that's about the only thing that's funny about it.
I personally, will be sticking to my scotch. The worst that could happen is I end up having wild, passionate sex with some floozy. I can deal with that.
Thanks for reading.
Factoid: MILF, in case you were wondering, means Mother I'd Like to Fuck. Nasty, I know. That's why I use the acronym. It's nicer, no?

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1 comment:
What the hell does MILF have to do with METH? Me thinks you've been watching some reruns of Laguna Beach. Just kidding.
And Lynn Toler is a cutie too. Mablean had a little Compton flavor to her, while Toler is a little more reserved.
Keep posting, and I'll keep reading.
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