So, I had me a hot date a little while ago. Fly sister. Educated, intelligent, hard-working...and bi-sexual.
It figures, right? Somebody with all the goods wouldn't want to save it all for one gender. It's the trend here in DC though. I would estimate that roughly 80% of the women I have dated here in Washington have had at least one lesbian experience. The ones who haven't are curious. It's rare that I meet a woman who is just adamantly opposed to being with another woman.
This woman however was proudly, not casually, bisexual.
"I just don't see why men always have to put on this macho front for each other," she said. "They would be so much happier if they just let it go."
"Like, let it go fag?" I asked.
"No, not like let it go fag."
As you all know, I'm no homophobe. I think the lesbos and the punks should be able to get married and all that. But I felt distinctly ignorant talking to this woman. She was articulate, passionate and sincere. All I could come back with was, "I just don't go for no fag shit."
We stayed on the topic for quite some time until she posed one hell of a question. I thought I might share it with you.
If your woman told you she cheated on you with another woman, would it effect you the same as if she told you she cheated on you with another man?
Good one, I know.
My response was yes. Most definitely, I would be pissed either way. I'm sure I'm in a minority here. I can hear all the fellas reading this and shaking their collective heads in disbelief. But I've said it before and I'll say it again: there is nothing sexy about lesbian sex. To me it would be a betrayal of trust. Period.
She was also shocked at my answer. So I flipped it on her. How would you feel if you're man told you he cheated on you with another man?
Another good one, I know.
"That's different," she said. "In order for a man to have gay sex, he has to sacrifice his masculinity. A woman can be feminine and be with another woman."
"Bullshit," I said. "There's a lot of motherfuckers in prison who like to get it in with the fresh fish. I dare you to tell one of them that they're not masculine."
It seems to me that there is a little bit of sexism in the gay community. The lesbians feel like they can traverse back and forth between homosexuality and mainstream society. The fags are stuck in their little well-decorated underworld. It's weird, huh? They're real high and mighty in their uber-liberalism, but they've got their very own de facto hierarchy.
But I digress. The question of the day is: If your significant other told you they cheated on you with someone of the same gender, would it effect you the same as if they told you they cheated on you with someone of the opposite gender?
Talk amongst yourselves.
Post a comment.
Thanks for reading.
Innocent Question: Am I the only one who thinks it's unfair that the gays kind of hijacked the rainbow as their fag flag? I like rainbows. They could use something less arbitrary, like a pink bust of Madonna.

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