There's nothing I've ever wanted to do sexually that I haven't done yet. I guess that makes me what some people would call a freak. And it's not necessarily a moniker I shy away from. But, honestly, it might be a bit of an overstatement.
I'm really not that freaky.
I like basic boy-girl sex.
I don't really do toys. Something about holding a dildo seems emasculating.
I'm not really interested in menage e trois or group sex. I've barely got the attention span to pay attention to one woman. Satisfying more than one sounds a lot like work, and I've always looked at sex as a leisure activity.
And despite what I understand to be a trend growing in acceptability, I am steadfast in my opposition to having my butthole manipulated.
Call me old school.
I do enjoy porn. Which is probably an understatement.
My mother called the other day asking what I would like for Father's Day. I asked for a one terabyte external hard drive. Partly, because I record vocals at home and the files are huge and it would be a soul-crushing disaster if my shit crashed.
But I am equally worried, if not more so, about my porn.
Still, even my porn is pretty boring as far as porn goes. It's all boy-girl black-on-black gonzo. I don't care much for story lines. I like big booties and titties. I like the ones where they oil the girls up with, like, Wesson.
I've got a few group scenes, but they're hard to watch. I get all confused about what's going on and eventually lose interest. It's easier to focus on just 2 people.
What can I say? I grew up on Nintendo.
Although, I enjoy being a voyeur, I have no interest in video-taping myself, which is kind of the point of this blog.
Whilst having a conversation with some friends, most of whom I consider to be prudes, I was shocked to discover that I was the only one who had never video-taped himself.
"No, never."
"You never even took pictures?"
"No, never."
"Do you want to?"
"No, not really."
"Why not?"
I thought about it. I think it's partially because I'm so out-of-shape. Also, most of the women I find myself dealing with are hardly ready to run a marathon.
Mostly though, when I have sex, it's usually so damned casual that I doubt any sensible woman would entertain the thought. It's really, like, a boyfriend-girlfriend thing, isn't it?
And from what I understand, the girl usually has to keep the tape. Which is understandable, but it still seems unfair.
Plus, I plan on being famous one day. And having a sex tape floating around could be a liability. Especially if I try to run for mayor or something. Not so much if I end up becoming the first reputable hip hop author. In that case it would probably help.
Last night, I had a dream that I was with a woman I have been seeing sporadically since college. We've had a humorous, scant sexual history. I met her in the middle of my erectile dysfunction period. And the truth is, we've never had full-blown, strong-erection intercourse.
Ironically, she's the woman I think of when I'm having trouble cumming. (Was that too explicit?)
Anyway, we were fooling around in a library somewhere. We were naked, sitting on a big blanket and I was recording it. Then the woman I was sleeping with up until a short while ago walked in. She was kind of upset or whatever, but not really. Still, it ended our session prematurely.
Which pissed me off.
So that's all I have to say about amateur porn.
Please, please, don't forget to download the New Freestyle of the Week.
Thanks for reading.
Innocent Question: If things ended badly with you and an ex-boyfriend/girlfriend, who went on to become famous, and you had possession of a sex tape, would you sell it?

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
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Okay...you're officially going to have to step your game up, Cee! I mean, I can't very well come here for sexually explicit laughter knowing you haven't run the gamut of sex. Now get to it and tell me all about it!
And no, I wouldn't sell the tape. If it's worth seeing, I'd probably just show my friends. If it's not worth seeing (i.e. he was some bumsauce in the sack), I'd definitely pop it in so we could laugh at him.
LOL! Ish too funny. Well make sure you call me over, I love to have a good laugh every now and then.
D.I.Y. porn is okay. But I prefer to watch the professionals do it. The lighting, props and wardrobe is always better or worse, which can still be entertaining.
I definitely wouldn't sell the tape. I'd hold on to it and maybe hold theatre viewings from time to time depending on how we ended things.
With the right girl, I'd try anything.
Except the butthole stuff.
I'm serious about that.
Passive sadism is still wrong.
I'd have to agree. I like a little glam.
Since I might run for president or pastor one day, No comment on this post! But I'm blushing. You know I'm blushing. (No homo).
I would never show a sextape of me and someone else, I mean, what would that prove to anyone on the outside looking in..."look at this freak" and more enthusiastic responses, and "look at him", so where does that leave us, the freak and him. No, man i love my privacy, i love being who i am in private with my man...i'm not voyeur, not at all, but i do love being me!
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