So, my mother took my daughter to the Universoul Circus on Saturday.
"Every white person should see this thing," she said. "It's so tacky and black."
Not to be outdone by the doting grandmother, I decided to take my daughter to the zoo on Sunday. I had this marvelous day all planned out. We would take pictures and then come home and create a photo journal. She could write captions about the animals and help me put everything together in Photoshop. It was going to be great. She was going to love it. A lot more than that silly old circus.
But things didn't go exactly as I had planned.
"Can we also go to the playground, daddy?"
"Sure thing, honey. After the zoo."
Then she and her grandmother went upstairs to get all frilled up. When they came back downstairs, she looked like she was going to a play or something, or some kind of outing. Gorgeous. I wondered if I had missed something.
"Those shoes aren't going to work," I said. It wasn't until after I said it that I realized how pleased she was with herself. Her face dropped. "I mean, you look fantastic, but we're going to be doing a lot of walking and those shoes are going to be a problem."
She was crushed.
"Your father's right," my mother said. "Let's go see what else we can put on."
She stomped back up the stairs slowly and stopped midway to give me an over-the-shoulder-pitiful pout before she rounded the corner.
This is her signature move.
I am impervious. But no one else seems to be. She is pretty good though.
After ten minutes of waiting, I got impatient. How long does it take to change shoes?
"What's going on up there?" I shouted.
Then my mother came walking down the stairs...without my daughter.
"She said she doesn't want to change her shoes. The other shoes won't match with her outfit."
"What?" I shouted incredulously. I yelled up the stairs. "Get your butt in your room and change your shoes. You don't get to tell anyone what you're not going to do around here. This isn't a democracy. It's a dictatorship!"
Two minutes later my daughter came downstairs in a pair of crocks.
"Those are fine for walking, honey," I said. "But you're going to have to wear sneakers if you want to go to the playground later."
For some reason I was really concerned about the security of loosely fitting plastic sandals on a metal jungle gym with ropes and monkey bars and bridges and all sorts of lovely things to trip up on. In one way, it seems silly. In another way, it seems totally reasonable.
"Well, I don't think I want to go to the playground then."
I was shocked. Suddenly, I was staring at a little woman. Two years ago I could have dressed her in a burlap sack and she wouldn't have given two shits. Now she was putting fashion ahead of recess.
"That's ridiculous," I said.
"Daddy," she wined, "My sneakers don't match with this outfit. The colors are all wrong."
There was some crying involved, but eventually, she put the damn sneakers on.
My mother warned me against being too strict and forceful. I warned her against being too accommodating.
And low and behold, by the time we got to the zoo, she didn't give a shit anymore. And all was well again.
The most disturbing part, I suppose, was how quickly she got over the animals. After a few lions and tigers, she was ready to go.
"You wanna go to The Ape House, honey?"
"I don't care."
"Well, what do you want to do?"
"I want a smoothie and a souvenir."
"What kind of souvenir?"
"A stuffed panda."
So, we went to the gift shop. I found the panda section and called to her, but she had been distracted by something more appealing.
A goddamn giraffe purse.
"But we didn't even see any giraffe's today?"
"I know. But it's a purse though. See?"
I suppose this is what I get for being such a horn dog all these years. God has a wicked sense of humor.
Thanks for reading.
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Innocent Question: My daughter is 7 and wants to get her ears pierced. I am of the opinion that she is way too young to be altering her body. And I think it's part of this whole "little woman" thing, which I think can become dangerous if not kept in check. The women in my family think I'm nuts and my daughter thinks I'm an asshole. Suggestions?
My 7 year old niece is into fashion as well. She asked me to send her some Cheetah Girls high heels. WHAT DOES A 7 year old need with some Disney high heels?!!!!
But she's growing up. And Oh man- wait till she's 10. That's when you're gonna start growing gray hairs.
Enjoy parent hood. It's a blessing. Although you are agnostic, you got to feel pretty lucky to be a Dad and pass down your wisdom to somebody.
I know that cats like you don't like The Roots, but check out their new single "Rising Up". I like it.
of course he likes the roots...duh. yes kiddo that's what you get. will you let me take her to get her ears pierced already? everyone will think you were man enough to be reasonable. :-) you don't want her to come home with crooked holes done in somebody's kitchen do you? cuz that's what little girls do when they get desperate for the earrings. i'm just sayin...
Too cute! Ear piercing is not bad at that age. I had my daughters' ear's pierced before she was 1, bc i knew she would cry and get over it, plus it was cute. You have my man a little lady on your hands, and you have to treat her 1as such. Karma, what you think? lol
btw- I applaud you, really...a man raising their kids is a good look.
Let's not even get started talking about the pre-teen years.
And never mind heels, my daughter wanted a Hannah Montana wig.
I am in perpetual awe.
Thanks, but I don't think I'm doing anything praise-worthy. Most mammals look after their young.
Lol! Don't you just love them! My daughter is NOT her mother's child in that aspect: She likes clothes, but doesn't mind looking a tacky mess. I'm like, "Baby...fix yourself. Put on your earrings. Change those shoes." She doesn't care...she just wants to get to the fun stuff. Once the outfit is together, though, she's into it, "Mommy, this looks so cute! And look, my earrings match!" *whew* I breathe that sigh of relief often, after reconfiguring her before we go out, lol.
Well, I got my daughters ears pierced when she was a few months old. I guess it was never a question for me. I would have to say you're the father, you make the decision. It's not like she asked to pierce her tongue, so don't be too rough on her.
Your baby is growing up. I feel the same way everytime my 7-year old does or says something unexpected. Not disrespectful, just unexpected.
Ear piercing is no biggie. It's a sign that she enjoys being a girl, something that is normal and comforting if you think about it. I had my daughter's ear's piereced as soon as I could have it done; she wasn't six months yet now that I think back.
Loosen up a little. I know you have to set boundaries and all, but you still have to remember they are people too. They have ideas, feelings, suggestions, etc.
Be honest with yourself, when you were a kid, do you think all the choices you made your parents understood or agreed with? Hell no, but I'm sure some of the times you got what you wanted. Like those Diadoras:-)
Keep bloggin'
Hard for me to believe your daughter doesn't share your same sense of fashion.
And the identity of the well-spoken, insightful commentator is...?
This was funny. She's off to a great and fashionable start! My 7 year old likes nice things but isn't obsessed yet. My 4 year old must match and her shoes have to be just right. And she doesn't like certain outifts b/c she thinks people will laugh at her. I'm trying to figure out where this came from... As far as the piercing, I'm surprised you waited this long. When I worked at piercing pagoda there was nothing worse than a 6 year old trying to kick me in the chin after piercing her ears. You have to take it all in stride though. I can't wait to see how you handle the preteen years, I hope you're still blogging then.
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