Well, it's six in the morning and I've decided to go to work on time, even though I considered taking the morning off. Seeing as how, last night I didn't get in until two-ish.
I'm groggy in the worst kind of way. My eyelids feel all sticky and my tummy is questionable, but I think I'll manage.
But, man, was it worth it!
Last night was fucking fantastic.
In case you're a sporadic reader, last night Joe and I opened for The Cool Kids at one of DC's larger concert venues, The Black Cat.
As I mentioned on Friday, up until this weekend, I hadn't done much to prepare for the gig. In fact, I had gotten the impression that no one had heard about it and had resigned to a sinking feeling that it was going to be an underwhelming experience.
But fortunately, I was proven wrong on all fronts.
First, let me say that it was plantation hot yesterday. And the women responded accordingly. They were all ass-naked. Literally.
Now that I've gotten that out of the way...
Joe and I were given a dressing room complete with couches, clean towels, and a mini-fridge stocked with water and soda. We were given a few drink tickets each and a free dinner.
And I, proud to say, only had one drink before the set. So there.
We performed a high-velocity thirty minute set, accompanied by local hip hop band, The Els. The crowd loved us! We were funny, engaging and virtually flawless. I couldn't have prayed to Jesus or whomever for a better show.
In case you were wondering, I was wearing a bad ass straw fedora and a beautiful white linen shirt. Very pretty.
Afterwards we sold an assload of the CDs. Took some pictures with some fans. Signed some autographs. Used the rest of those drink tickets. And, at the end of the night, we got paid more than I've ever gotten paid to perform in my entire career.
I really don't have anything sarcastic or witty to say. I'm still kind of in shock.
So back to all the ass.
Man o man!
I saw one girl who had, like, some shiny gold Reynold's Wrap business tied around her waist trying to pass it off as a skirt. And because I'm me, all I kept thinking was, If she farts, there's gonna be trouble.
She wasn't the only one though. There seemed to be a preponderance of booty everywhere and I'm hoping that today won't be any different.
We had pictures and video taken, so I'll be posting all that stuff soon.
A special thanks to my homies: Heron, Renell, Kelli, Abby and The Els.
Don't forget to download the New Freestyle of the Week.
And thank you, for reading.
Factoid: I am going to work today; however, I plan on not working, per se.

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CONGRATULATIONS! Sounds like it all went well. (BTW: I have no idea who The Cool Kids are or The Els, but way to go.)
LOL @:
1. All the scattered ass that almost distracted you.
2. Your 'very pretty' get-up. Don't ever use very pretty when describing yourself, please and thank you.
3. The Reynold's Wrap skirt.
4. You going to work to not work.
I told you that it was gonna go well. You are COOL CEE BROWN man! Why wouldn't it?
And it's the end of the school year. You ain't got that much work to do.
The Cool Kids are a little young for us. I think they're young enough for me to have taught them. Which is kind of sad.
The Els are a hip hop band based here in DC. I try to use them whenever I can for live perfomances. They play with Asheru mostly though. (Asheru did the theme song for The Boondocks and is also from DC).
And, for the record, it was a very pretty outfit. I'm confident enought in my heterosexuality to know this. So there ;-)
I am a pessimist and you know this. Don't give me a hard time about it.
But thanks for the well wishes. Your positive Internet vibes helped.
Big congrats on the show, and yeah that gold reynolds wrap joke had me laughing out loud. You are too much! Isn't it great when things come together and you make the loot too! I'm just happy you're happy!
Oh, you're so warm and full of sunshine. I'm happy that you're happy that I'm happy.
Really. Thanks for the well wishes though. It is much appreciated.
I wanted to make it but I was concerned that I was going to spontaneously combust. It was too fucking hot and I'm too fucking old.
Glad there's video though. Get that cracking immediately please.
What's up with those cuts?
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