And so I have a gig on Sunday night.
You are now the second person to know.
My friends were railing me today about the inexcusable lack of promotion.
"You're opening for The Cool Kids!"
"They're huge!"
"Where are the fliers?!"
What was my response? A solemn, "I know."
I guess I assumed that because The Cool Kids are such a "huge" act, they'd be their own draw, and it would be Joe and I's opportunity to perform for a new set of ears and eyes. You know that old Eddie Murphy sketch about the woman who marries Johnny Carson and insists on keeping a part-time job.
"I just got paid, Johnny. Now we have two-hundred-million-and-seventy dollars. Put that with the rest."
I guess that's kind of how I was looking at it. But in retrospect, it seems silly. Now the "big gig" is two short days away and, apparently, no one knows about it.
I guess I have yet to figure out the whole Internet marketing thing. And the truth is, I'm not much of a business man. As my sister once told me, and not in a malicious way, "You ain't no Puff Daddy."
But in the climate of today's music industry, what with all the downloading and message boards and social networking sites, one must learn.
So, in the spirit of my favorite procrastinator's maxim, "It's never too late", I'll be initiating a full-court press of promotion for one day. I'm going to utilize all my powers to insure that I get everyone I know to come out and show some support on Sunday.
I will be performing with my Dirty Water cohort, Joe D, backed by The Els. If you've never seen me in person, I'll be the handsome gentleman at the bar sweating profusely, wringing his hands, mumbling to himself and nursing a glass of scotch. That is, until showtime. At which point I will transform into an articulate and energetic erection with a keen sense of style.
Hope to see you there. And, please, help spread the word.

Thanks for reading.
"Freestyle of the Week" FREE DOWNLOAD LINK
"No Fear" Maxi Single FREE DOWNLOAD LINK
SUNDAY JUNE 8 - Dirty Water live at The Black Cat (Washington, DC)
SATURDAY JULY 26 - Cool Cee Brown live at The Capital Hip Hop Soul Fest (Washington, DC)
Factoid: If you come and tell me you heard about the show from this blog, I will buy you a drink. (Bottom shelf)
Oh, and I almost forgot. My sister has a big test tomorrow for which she has been studying insanely hard. Please send her your good luck vibes through the Internet. GOOD LUCK, SIS!
I so wish i could be there...hope it's a great turnout, and good luck to your sis.
btw - nice pic below post
Damn..i'm gonna be in the bahamas soaking up the sun..but i'll let people know..Good luck..and do some good networking with those mf's...cause they mos def have a following.
I wish I could be laugh at you. I'm kidding!
You are gonna get a standing ovation!
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