I got into a big argument with my boss, who happens to be a black woman, yesterday morning. The subject of such a contentious debate at 9:00 am? The reluctance of so many black women to get behind Barack Obama.
First, the opposition: The black women I talk to who are undecided or in full support of Hillary Clinton say that they are women before they are black. My sister claims that she has had to contend with sexism far more often than racism. And I'm sure that's true. Sexism is that last socially acceptable prejudice.
But I believe that's only because so many women actually encourage it. There is a very fine line between chivalry and second-class citizenship. You can't have it both ways, I don't think.
That point of view, however, is only partially acceptable to me. If Hillary Clinton had brought herself up through the ranks like Maxine Waters then I would have more respect for her, but her biggest claim to fame is that she's Bill Clinton's wife. For all intents and purposes, she basically slept her way into politics. Which I think is very contrary to the feminist movement. She's no Nancy Pelosi.
Also, all this crap about her having so much experience in politics is bullshit. Her resume is actually shorter than Barack's. She was a lawyer, then she was the First Lady of Akansas, then she was the First Lady of the US, and now she's the junior senator from New York (which means she don't do shit.) The junior senator is essentially just waiting for the senior senator to vacate. They have no real power or influence. This is Hillary's career. Backseat driver. Juiced in from day one.
And then there's the question of whether or not you're really a woman first. Although, as I said before, I can respect that, I'm not positive that it's true. It's not anymore true than me saying I'm a man first. Truth is, black women, are not and never have been included fully in this country's feminist movement. White women do not accept or embrace you anymore than white men accept and embrace us. God forbid you end up at the defendant's table in a US courtroom, but if you did, I think it would become painfully clear to you then which side your bread is buttered on.
All in all, the biggest problem in the black community is our lack of unity and solidarity. We are so easily divided and conquered and this is a clear cut example. We have a chance to help send a black person to the White House and we're so far removed from the civil rights movement, so convinced that we've arrived, that we think it's time to start debating about whether or not he "deserves" our vote. He's not Jesse Jackson, he's not Al Sharpton, he's not Marion Barry. He's an electable candidate. Competent, Intelligent and Articulate. But predictably, we're split. Can't even come together when it counts. We come together when it's en vogue, when it's about marching and t-shirts, but when it really really counts, the presidential election, we're split down the middle. First black person with a legitimate presidential campaign and he can't count on his own people. They'd rather put Hillary Clinton in office. Self-hating Negroes, plain and simple.
And it ain't about "the issues" because all politicians are full of shit. All that hooplah about health care and social security don't mean dick. Elections are always about a choice between the lesser of two evils, and in those cases, I always bet on black.
Thanks for reading.
Confession: I actually enjoy picking my nose.
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