So, one of my students has discovered Ning.
For those of you who don't know, Ning is a online network of online social networks. It's like MySpace on crack. Basically, you can create your own MySpace, and invite friends who can set up their own MySpace-like pages within your network. And it's totally free.
For a year or so it seemed to be the best kept secret for the computer geeks. Then big business caught on, and finally, the common folk. Now everyone has a Ning network. Including 50 Cent, The American Society of Wiccans, and myself.
This student of mine has mild mental retardation. He's 16, but cognitively and emotionally, he's about 7. And, because God's so damn funny, he's a little over six feet tall.
And he loves 50 Cent.
If 50 Cent ever decides to start making toothbrushes, he'll sell at least one.
Or sheets. Or draws.
Anyway. Some genius introduced him to the wonderful world of online social networking. Thing is, he's just as awkward at socializing online as he is in the real world. And apparently, no one wants to be his "friend".
Isn't that tragic?
Then one day I visited the administration page of my network and realized that this kid somehow joined without me noticing.
It's tricky being a school teacher and creating a fairly raunchy brand of hip hop. The average 16-year-old can handle it, but you don't necessarily want to mix those worlds, you know.
And this kid certainly cannot handle it.
So, I banned him from my network.
He was upset.
"Mr. Nadir, why you banned me from your Innernet?"
"That's fucked up."
"Watch your language."
"You watch your language! I heard your music. Talkin' 'bout pissin' on people and stuff."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Yes you do. I heard it. You said 'damn' and 'pussy' and 'shit' and 'fuck' and a bunch of other more stuff. You nasty, Mr. Nadir."
"See, that's why I banned your young ass. You can't handle it."
"It's okay. You ain't no 50 Cent."
It wasn't long before he discovered 50's network. Of which I am a member.
"Mr. Nadir, I seent you on thisis50.com."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"I sent you an e-mail for your friendship, but you declineded it."
"Read your book."
"But 50 won't ban me from his Innernet like you did."
It's more sad than anything else, I suppose. Puts things in perspective certainly. One thing that's never introduced to the conversation about explicit content in music, is the fact that kids like this can gain access so easily.
Still, I'm not about to censor myself. That would be fake. But, at the same time, it's not something I take lightly.
What to do, o, what to do?
But if it's worth anything, I appreciate you all's friendship. And, for the record, I would never banned you from my Innernet.
Thanks for reading.
"Freestyle of the Week" FREE DOWNLOAD LINK
"No Fear" Maxi Single FREE DOWNLOAD LINK
SUNDAY JUNE 8 - Dirty Water live at The Black Cat (Washington, DC)
SATURDAY JULY 26 - Cool Cee Brown live at The Capital Hip Hop Soul Fest (Washington, DC)
Factoid: A few years ago, when I was teaching middle school, Joe and I released a sexually-charged concept EP called "Love, Lust & Everything In Between". A few of my students got their hands on it, and it was downhill from there. I think I used the word "pussy" over 50 times.

Friday, May 30, 2008
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Sounds like you're between a rock and a hard place, Mr. Nadir. You can't keep up the guise of hard-ass school teacher if they keep figuring out you spew such words out of your mouth! But, you can't remain true to your passion and music if you tone it down. I say screw it...they shouldn't be on there anyway...WTH is everyone's parents??
See...this is why I'm considered a 'mean mommy'. For instance, the kids were out front yesterday playing when this car pulls up. First of all, there are like 50-11 kids in the neighborhood and they love me (I'm the cool mommy to them, lol) so they're always in front of my house. So, anywho, the lady driving the car starts passing out Little Debbie cakes to all the kids. !!! Okay, I almost went into spaz mode, but held my composure. Didn't want to get completely ghetto and scare the neighborhood. So I call the baby girl over like, "You know we don't do that." Her: *face falling* Me: Baby, give her the cupcake back and say, "Thank you, but no thank you." Don't accept anything from anybody. Who is she anyway? Her: *shrug* One of the kids mother. Me: That's what I thought. You don't even know that woman! She could be trying to poison you! (I know...I was being extreme, but still...)
I said all that to say this: If the parents were monitoring their children then they wouldn't know what you have going on or where. It's not your responsibility to 'deny' them in the first place! Go read a book, dammit!
*stepping off soapbox*
Wow, must be a hard task to be respected as a teacher and still succeed in your chosen field. I think you did the right thing, you're his teacher dammit, just like i don't let my son read or his friends read my books...not because they are so dirty, but hey, they got to respect me for the MILF that i am, and not for my writing, because my writing is creative and meant for grown folks. One day i tell them...and they are not ready, just like you told him. I respect that, it shows you have real concern for the kids you are teaching. He will get over it...now let me go find this song about all that pussy, lol!
Your student is not quite as "retarded" (poor word choice) as you depict. He has correctly discerned the double standard portrayed by you in comparison to "50 Cent." That is, why is it OK for him to hear about "pussy" from 50, but not from you? Is it because 50 gets paid to sing about pussy, and you do not? As an educator, you really cannot have it both ways. If you want to continue singing about pussy and blasting it all over the Internet, I hope you are prepared to make a living from it, as there is not much tolerance for this type of extra-curricular activity from educators on a public/taxpayer funded payroll.
You've got a point. Kind of.
First, "retarded" is still a clinical term. I see it all the time in clinical evalutations. Sure, it has a negative connotation, but literally, it fits.
As far as tolerance for what I do with my personal time, I think taxpayers, at least the open-minded progressive type, might consider that that the educational system needs people like me. I love my students, and I don't pretend to be anything I'm not. And for that reason, they seem be receptive to what I have to say, no matter what the topic.
And it's not like I'm making porn. I make music for adults, and I use the Internet as a promotional tool. And I'm not about to apologize for it.
I think you'll find that it's still not against the law to say "pussy".
But thanks for reading. And thanks for your comment.
You are educated, have a job, take care of your daughter and are talented-- even if you are crass, obnoxious at times and lewd.
I say, if the kids are trying to be in your world and be like you, they need to make sure they do the other things too, like you, which are:
go to college
take care of any subsequent children
get a LEGAL job
stay true to yourself
so, to anonymous, I believe s/he has it wrong. the KID(s) can't have it both ways. Cee isn't like a 50 cent or Lil Wayne who talk about women deragatory and do little to contribute. Cee is contributes through his vocation.
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