The jig is up. I have been found out. All of my friends know I blog. I kept it a secret for a while. But word got around and now, people are talking.
Most seem to have mixed feelings about it.
My big sister is very supportive. She emails me about my typos and calls me when she thinks I've said something interesting or made a thinly veiled cry for help.
Gill thinks it's great for business.(Remember, we're supposed to be selling records here). Occasionally he may come up to me and say, "'ve got fucked up feet, son?"
Our White Homegirl forwards it to her friends and is generally, enthusiastically supportive.
And there are others.
But what I've been hearing more of than anything else these days is, "This doesn't go in your fucking blog!"
In fact, conversations often begin that way. We're all sitting at the bar having drinks and shooting the shit then someone has something to say. "I remember this one time...(PAUSE)...and this better not end up in your fucking blog, Claude."
Then everyone else at the table kind of nods as if to say, "Yeah. And nothing I said tonight better end up in your blog either."
So, allow me to clear something up. I rarely ever blog about people without telling them first or immediately afterwards if I think there's even the slightest potential that they might find it an invasion of privacy (i.e. "I think I'm gonna blog about this" or "You showed up in my blog today"). And I have never refused a personal request to delete a sentence, a passage or even an entire blog!
But that's not really what they're saying.
"Oh, we know you won't mention names, and you'll obscure locations and change details. But I don't want the gist of what I'm saying to be repeated."
So, it's like an intellectual properties issue. Something I had never anticipated.
For the record, I don't think it's really fair. It's hard blogging everyday. I need good material. And I think I practice good discretion.
It took me months to convince Our White Homegirl to let me write about the "big...round titties" incident.
You read this blog. I've never put a friend out there.
"My homeboy told me his herpes was so off the hook yesterday he had to call in to work." Yes, that's funny. But certainly a betrayal of trust, I think.
So, if you know me personally and you're concerned about how much personal information to share with me for fear that I may make it public knowledge via the Internet, don't sweat it.
Now, people I don't like should try very hard to not say anything stupid around me. More than likely, you'll end up in my fucking blog.
Thanks for reading.

Click here to download the new single: "No Fear" featuring Phonte and Asheru. It includes the Joe D remix, 2 b-sides and video interviews with Cool Cee Brown. FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME.
Factoid: I recently reached my 100th blog milestone. It's kind of difficult to say exactly how many, for various reasons, but I'm sure I surpassed 100 a week or so ago. So, yeah for me! I'm gonna buy myself a drink today.
Oh no! Now my morning comedy could very well be haulted by others' selfishness? That sucks. Tell them it's for the greater good. Congrats on the 100th blog...Keep them coming!
Thanks, Ish. You're the best!
As long as you aren't including incriminating details (like real names and such) I think almost anything is fair game.
I read a whole lot on the internets and some of your shit is hilarious enough to go viral. It's definitely on par with some of the funniest stuff I see in the black blogosphere. I stay passing around links in the hopes that one of those joints will be the tipping point.
It's definitely good for business. Especially in this hyper crowded media age... anything you can do to stand out.
Congratulations on your 99th blog! Can u count, dude? That's what it says on the side (99) not 100!
But maybe I'm reading your archive number wrong.
I enjoy your blog because it shows a man- not just any man- but a black man being himself. And for that young man, we applaud you!
I'm not sure where you're seing the 99. But there's well over one hundred posts here. And there were a few dozen on my MySpace page before I learned about BlogSpot and their super-duper-great blogger-friendly features, like automatic saving (Thank You, Jesus!).
Thanks for the compliments, and thanks for reading, and spreading the word.
My bad Claude! It's 99 for 2008. You started posting last year.
I just started my blog on Jan 1, so I forget that people have been on blogger for longer.
I used to be xanga and livejournal simultaneously, and I gave up both simultaneously as well.
Don't worry. I will be spreading the word about your blog and your music.
GOBAMA! (I still don't like him, but I ain't voting for Hillary or McCain, so by default...)
Congrats on 100, hope you're not really going anywhere.
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