So, the black man's fondness for big, round booties is a well-known, frequently-perpetuated and widely-accepted stereotype.
I, of course, am no exception.
No one told me to like fat asses. My father and I never had any conversations about it. But around the time I started getting erections, I started noticing butts.
It's strange, I guess. Buttcheeks are pretty much useless sexually and often get in the way. But you can't beat the visual.
But this is not to say that women with little understated booties should feel inadequate in some way. Quite the contrary. A big booty is often a red flag for serious weight issues toward middle age. The waist-hip ratio will predictably get out of whack and become something less and less appealing as the years progress. So be encouraged.
Better to be well-proportioned.
The question still remains, however. What is it with the brothers and the booties. Is it innate?
I had the good fortune of running into this brother at a bar this week who broke the whole thing down for me.
We were having a tangential conversation about politics, which led to Barack, which led to Michelle, and, eventually, fat asses.
According to him, and these are not my words, the black woman is like a camel.
Bear with me.
She's like a camel. And when we were in Africa, it was known that the camel stored water in his hump so he could survive in desert climates where water was scarce. In some areas of Africa food was also scarce and droughts were common. It was believed that a woman with a fat ass had nutrients and vitamins stored in her butt, so if there was ever a food shortage, she could live off of what was in her butt. A man knew that if he married a woman with a fat ass, she could survive a famine and help him take care of the family using the auxiliary energy from her ass.
Eventually the small-bootied women died out. Some were spinsters who never gave birth and weren't able to pass on their small booty genes. Some were not able to survive because their asses were too small.
Thus, the black man's desire to find a mate with a fat ass is embedded in his genetic code.
I don't know about you, but this makes perfect sense to me.
Again, ladies.
If you have a small butt, there's no need to worry. Here in America, food is abundant.
If you do have a fat ass, send me your picture in an email attachment.
Thanks for reading.

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Innocent Question: A man with a small penis can suffer from crippling insecurities. Is it the same way with women with their booties? And is it worse because it's difficult to keep your small booty a secret?
A camel?! Jeez...
And on the question, as you said, it's more for visual effect and men don't really care anyway. Men are so easy...As long as you're 'all woman' where it counts, you can pretty much be a monster and you'll still get a man, so there's no need for insecurity.
Men on the other hand should be worried about their penis, because once we know we either: 1)'work with you' because we feel sorry for you or 2)get ghost as expeditiously as possible. Guess which of the two always ends up winning??
I just want SOME booty, I don't care what size it is! LOL!!!
But honestly, I don't think anyone should try to find wisdom in a bar. And it's really how you were socialized into being a man. As a "church boy", I was always attracted to nice faces or big hips, more than just a big ole rump! Not saying that I don't turn my head when one passes me on the street. But it's not innate. Because if that were the case, there would be no gay dudes.
1.that's what they make booty pads (most white women wear know the one's y'all be chasing)
2.size doesn't really matter, unless he just wants to look at it all day...i believe in using what you got, so if you aint' got no booty, but you got breasts or legs, you still a winner...all in the visuals right.
3. I knew a girl who didn't have not booty, but everytime we took a pic, her booty was hiked up and can be learned too!
You couldn't be more right. A fat ass is nice to look at, but it's no indicator of what kind of fun you'll have in the bedroom. Better to have a flat-bootied freak than a big booty prude.
I predict that before the year's end you will get some booty. Then you will leave the Republican party and vote for Barack in November.
We gotta hang. Let me know the next time you're in DC.
say a prayer,
lay out a soul food spread,
bring the pine box right into my office lobby...
because I am DEAD right now after reading this post.
I'm having an out-of-body experience while writing this comment.
I could be an extra in the Thriller video.
We don't believe you. Where's the picture.
I specifically requested a picture.
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