So, I was out today with a friend of mine having drinks when I saw something I felt was worthy of discussion.
We were sitting there minding our own business when a couple at the end of the bar started arguing.
Well, I wouldn't necessarily call it argument. He was just screaming at this chick. They were a nice looking couple. She arrived before he did. Looked to be in her mid-thirties. He came some time later. Khakis. Rugby shirt. Clean cut.
A few drinks later all hell broke loose.
He was so loud that my friend and I stopped talking and turned in our chairs to see what was going on. And when we did, I noticed that everyone else was doing the same thing. It was like a waiter had dropped a platter of dishes.
Now, those of us who have been in "troublesome" relationships probably wouldn't raise an eyebrow at this sort of thing. Not at first, at least. It happens. There was no telling what brought about the outburst. It was just loud. He might of caught her cheating and this was their "let's talk about it" dinner. So, when the outburst was over and it seemed like he had calmed down, everyone went back to minding their business.
But there he went again. "Don't tell me I ain't go no reason to be upset!"
You couldn't even hear her voice. He screamed, "And, no I'm not going to be quiet. Just don't be doing shit that I don't like!"
Behind us was a large party, twenty or so, of young black women. They looked like they might have been sorority sisters or something. They were all tuned in like it was reality television.
And they weren't the only ones.
As I listened, I learned that the argument was apparently about her taking a sip of his drink when he went to the bathroom or something. "How would you like it if I just spit in your drink?" he yelled.
I was taken back to my younger, more emotional days, when loud outbursts such as this one were common. I'd be out with a young lady who wouldn't do what I wanted her to do or kept doing what I didn't what her to do, and I would just flip. Have a tantrum. Whatever.
But never like this.
Eventually, my friend and I began wondering whether or not he was going to hit this woman. Not that I planned on doing anything about it. I learned a long time ago that in a situation such as this, there's not much that you can do. If she was interested in avoiding being hit, she would have left before it even became a question. Obviously, she was used to this sort of thing.
I felt sorry for her though. I also know what it feels like to be on the other end of this sort of spectacle. Caught in the web of an emotional lunatic who turns every little thing into a slight against them. Someone who lives in a perpetual state of victimhood. Still if he hauled off and slapped her, I think I would have stayed right on my little bar stool, shaking my head. Can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped.
Eventually she went to the bathroom while he screamed, "Fuck you!" repeatedly. Some of the ladies from the large party followed her. He stayed on his stool, looking disarmingly calm. She came out a few minutes later with three other young ladies and walked out of the door.
My imagination tells me that they probably gave her a good talking to and convinced her to leave. And good for them.
Some time later a few police officers came in but they went straight to the back. They passed right by him. He took the cue a walked out casually past another wave of officers before they could find out what was going on. By the time they figured it out, he was long gone.
I wish that I could say that this poor woman had rid herself of an undeserving abusive man, but I know better. I know that as soon as he left, he called her on her cell phone and cussed her out some more. And as I type this they are probably fucking.
Hot, sweaty passionate fucking too. Not your garden variety Tuesday night hump.
Such is the way of love.
And that's why I do my best to steer clear of it.
Thanks for reading.
Download the new single "In The Kitchen"
Innocent Question: If any ladies would care to comment, why is it exactly that men like this always seem to be able to find attractive women who will put up with this kind of nonsense?

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
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That whole situation isnt love..
It's verbal abuse...
and anyone needs to steer clear of that.
Women only put up with this because they are having major self esteem issues going on there...I dont know how it exactly develops..but it can happen again and again if the woman doesnt stop dating this type of man..
she feels that at the time she cant find anyone else..and he just has sort of temper and he actually loves her...but that is clearly not love...he has found something in her to focus on and hurt cuz it makes him feel better about what's really wrong with him..
it is a DISGUSTING cycle..where the woman actually thinks she can change him...but that is never the case...and every woman thinks she wont put up with that..but it will get the strongest woman and tear her down..
I know
...a long time ago that was me..
But now i would NEVER stand for any disrespect since im definitely not giving it..! She would be wise do the same.
Well, I'm certainly you made it out of all that. All jokes aside, verbal abuse is its own peculiar kind of violence. It attacks your soul.
Hmmm. Self esteem issues, addiction to drama, save-a-nigga syndrome, so many different reasons. I hope you were wrong and that she turned her phone off when she left and changed the number the next day. And I'm with tj on this one. It can happen to the best and the strongest of us.
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