Yes, we're all hypocrites. I am perhaps the biggest of them all. And, for whatever reason, it doesn't really bother me. I'm just funny that way.
But today my glaring hypocrisy was brought home in the most unusual of ways.
And before you ask, yes, I was watching porn.
I've been very honest and upfront about my fascination with porn in this blog. I personally don't see anything wrong with it. It's legal. And I don't go for none of that super duper freaky shit. I like my porn straight up. No chaser.
I am peculiar in the sense that I really don't like interracial porn.
This is an extension of my black nationalist idealism. I think black folks should date and marry black folks and make black families and raise their children to do the same.
I don't have anything against white people.
Well, that's not entirely true. But I wouldn't consider myself prejudiced.
I've got white friends and I have them over for dinner all the time. Well, actually I have one white friend. But she does come over for dinner sometimes.
See? I'm progressive.
But the interracial porn thing really bothers me. I just don't like it, man. It's creepy. Something about watching some white boy pound away on one of my sisters, whore that she might be, makes me uncomfortable.
Same thing with watching brothers humping on white girls. I'm always thinking, You shouldn't be doing that, man.
In the real world, of course, I don't have these same qualms. Although I am very serious about finding myself a good black woman, I have dated/slept with white women and I don't really hold any judgement against others who have done the same. We're all people, man.
Is my hypocrisy making you dizzy?
So, I'm coming to the point.
Today I was surfing the net for porn and found something that looked like it was worth watching. White girl/black guy. Not really my thing, but I figured I'd give it a chance.
So the name of this video was "Monster Cock" and the theme was white girls going to town on well-endowed black men. It sounded entertaining. Vaguely racist, but entertaining.
So they found some freak of nature with a twelve-inch schlong and some giddy blond and put them in a room together. Pretty normal at first, and disappointingly boring. Then she started talking and things got...well...interesting.
I'm used to the usual fare, but this was different. Close to the end of the scene, with some encouragement from the director, she started screaming out, "Fuck me with your big nigger cock!"
Then he smacked her.
And she kept saying it. "Big black nigger cock. Fuck me, nigger!"
And so he started choking her.
Then she said, "Give me some of that good nigger cum."
And that's when I turned it off.
I'm not sure why I'm so indignant about this. But something inside of me, for a moment, entertained the thought of writing a letter. Something along the lines of, "I was deeply offended by the racially offensive language in your pornographic film."
But then I caught myself. It's a pornographer's job to meet the needs of any niche market with a ready credit card. And apparently, there are people out there who go for this kind of thing. Not my cup of tea really, but who am I to judge?
I'm fairly certain Al Sharpton or Jesse the Castrator wouldn't want anything to do with this, but still, it just doesn't seem right.
Your thoughts?
Thanks for reading.
Download the new single "In The Kitchen"
Innocent Question: I'm considering bringing an end to my porn-watching days. Any suggestions as to how to make a clean break? (I'd prefer to hear from people who have done it already).

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
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Man I used to do the same thing. Except I never paid for it. I got a way where I can get all the "best" sites for free. I was addicted man, what stopped me was wifey walked in on me one night around 3 a.m. That is when I decided that my internet porn days were over. I made a promise to myself to stop and I asked God to help me keep my promise and so far I have not broken it. It might sound a little cliche, but so far it has worked for me.
I don't see anything wrong with the jungle fever scenes. I prefer to see black on black "love" but, get in where you fit in. What was starting to take up most of my internet time was the Japanese flicks. Those are crazy!! But oh well... Those long hours in front of the computer are gone now. I spend my time now reading CNN and ESPN. The joys of being married!!!
you might have to do like how donald duck did to huey duey and luey when he found their cigars. Just go overboard with it. Go on a filthy film binge. The worse and more offensive the better. Gonzo type disgusting shit youd never in a million years watch. That should turn you off to it.
Unless of course it has the reverse effect and you end up addicted to midget/bdsm/horseplay/sheiza flicks.
well i take frequent breaks in between watching porn when I am steadily not "involved with anyone"
but when im not ..if im horny..i need visual...
to make a clean break..
every one you own..you throw away...
and DONT buy another one...
easier said than done i know..but it can be done..
also i understand about interacial porn...
I dont like it cuz the black girls usually look like they are feeling it ...the white girls sometimes say that oh yeah...retarded shit..but thats not always..but i prefer to watch black on black..
I think im a freak:)
I can't help you then, because I'm still guilty of....you know...
Funny post!
But like "Dirty" (as in movies) Red said: You need a motivator. Maybe you need to think of women in your family . What if your female relatives did porn? Would you watch?
This is NOT helping MY case, but still..it shows growth when a man like you seeks help. Kudos!
i personally avoid any porn with a white dick in it. But as for white girl/black guy i must confess that i got quite a few. Mainly oral as that is really the only thing i would ever want from a white chick. My fellow suburbanites used to refer to a BJ as a "white girl special" It's something about watching them choke and gag on black manhood that works for me and i also enjoy thinking about how this is some white racist dude's worst nightmare. i haven't seen any where the girl calls the dude a nigger though i would have to turn that one off. Sex and violence don't mix in my world.
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