It was an eventful weekend. I went to see Max Payne with a "friend" who is coo-coo for cocoa puffs over Mark Wahlberg. Of course, she's old enough to remember those Calvin Klein ads, but has somehow blocked out what I consider the highlight of his career, a smart and cleaver treatise on the economy called "I Need Money".
Is there a cooler white boy in Hollywood? *read sarcasm*
In all fairness, it took a while for me to come around but I now prefer boxer briefs. Even though I don't really have the legs for it. When I wake up in the morning they're all baggy, like really soft boxers. Not a good look. But when I put em on first thing in the morning...well. If I weren't so shy, I'd post a picture.
For the record, Max Payne, while it apparently was the number one box office draw over the weekend, was without a doubt the worst movie I have seen this year. It was ridiculously lame. Visually stunning, although a big Sin City rip-off. But more disturbing than the mind-numbingly asinine and hard-to-follow plot was the acting. It was as if the actors in a passive aggressive attempt at vindictiveness for being duped into this, decided to telephone in every last line. It was like watching a full-dress table reading.
Even Wahlberg, who I believe has some serious chops, was hard to watch.
It's the Oscar curse though. Remember, after Halle Berry won she made like 5 shitty movies in a row? Including Catwoman. Look at Deniro and Pacino. When was the last time one of them made a good movie?
Wahlberg was also bad in The Happening, which previously held my title for worst film of the year. Both are guaranteed to be at The Raspberries. That's almost four hours of my life that I'll never get back thanks to Marky Mark.
In happier news, Joe and I (Dirty Water) will be returning to The Black Cat this weekend (Sunday October 26)to open for Little Brother. http://blackcatdc.com/schedule.html
We've got rehearsal this week and...well, I don't want to give anything away...but we're going to fuck it up.
Here's a clip of us at The Black Cat earlier this summer opening for The Cool Kids...
In Ignorance & Confidence news, things are going well and I've been getting great responses on the "Government Game" video. This weekend I plan to unveil my newest single, the hard-hitting District anthem "DC Izza Motha@#$%!". Be at the show to pick up a copy.
Here's the "Government Game" video again, in case you missed it...
And here's something I ran across that made me laugh my ass off. Warning, ladies. This is extremely misogynistic and piggish. But if you're not too uptight, give it a chance. DO NOT WATCH AT WORK.
Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
The Prodigal Son Returneth and Haveth Much Shit To Sayeth
First things first. Yes, I did fall off the face of the earth. Literally. I went for a walk one day, and dammit if I didn't fall right off the motherfucker. I guess my father was right.
"Claude," he said. "The earth is round, but flat like a quarter. They want you to believe that we're walking around on a ball. But if we're walking around on a ball, how come stuff isn't rolling all over the damn place? Doesn't make sense, does it?"
In all seriousness, the truth is I had to re prioritize some things. Long story short, I wasn't spending enough time with my kid. It's hard to justify spending upwards of two hours sitting in front of a computer every day, especially when engaged in something as self-indulgent as blogging, and even more especially when it's not making you any money. How can you justify not spending that time with your child instead?
You can't. I tried.
The little fuckers come first, man.
Then there was the issue of my Internet service being disconnected. And a bill to the cocksuckers at RCN that clearly could not be paid off unless I started putting myself out to stud for mannish lesbians who want the bun without the baker.
Then something miraculous happened. I turned on my computer one day, and I was reconnected. It's like Jesus came down and used his Christ magic to get me web access. Like he did with the wine and the fish, except this is a really impressive and decidedly useful miracle.
I suppose updates are in order.
My daughter is fine. We're spending a whole lot more time together. A few days ago I noticed that her front tooth was hanging, literally, by a thread of pink flesh. I should tell you that one of my phobias is losing my teeth. I have an unreasonable amount of anxiety about falling and getting a tooth knocked loose. Loose teeth, as a result, are unbearably gross to me. Of course, my daughter is fascinated by them. She pushes them back and forth with the tip of her tongue.
"Look, daddy," she says.
"No thanks," I say. "I'm sure it's looser than hell."
But this one was so loose I felt compelled to call my mother. "Ma," I said. "This thing shoulda fell out a long time ago. Why is it taking so long?"
"Claude," she said soberly. "You're gonna have to pull it out."
"No fucking way," I said.
"You're her father. Who else is going to do it?"
"I'm willing to outsource."
My mother agreed to do the deed, but shame eventually got the better of me and I decided I would do it myself. It is not to be underestimated how absolutely horrified I was. I would have preferred to stick my finger in that hole in the sink that stops it from flooding. Which is quite gross by the way. But it's got nothing on loose teeth.
"Sweetie," I said. "I have to pull that tooth."
She cried and ran and pleaded, so I told her that I wouldn't pull it out. I just wanted to see how loose it was. Then I got my hand in there and yanked the thing out.
Blood gushed everywhere, and a little piece of pink flesh was dangling where her tooth used to be. She screamed, "You lied to me! Why did you lie, Daddy?"
I ran out of the room for fear that I might vomit. Then I got myself together and made her a glass of warm salt water. "Gargle with this," I said.
When she looked at me I saw the little piece of pink flesh again. "What the fuck is that?" I thought. "Should that be there? Did I fuck her mouth up?"
I called my mother. "Ma," I said. "What the fuck is this pink shit dangling from her gum? I think I may have fucked her mouth up."
She assured me it would go away eventually. And it did.
Until it did, I avoided looking at her face directly. That shit was way gross.
Well, that's it for now. I won't be blogging daily anymore. But I will do my best to write at least once a week.
I leave you with the new video for my new single "Government Game". Enjoy.
Thanks for reading.
First things first. Yes, I did fall off the face of the earth. Literally. I went for a walk one day, and dammit if I didn't fall right off the motherfucker. I guess my father was right.
"Claude," he said. "The earth is round, but flat like a quarter. They want you to believe that we're walking around on a ball. But if we're walking around on a ball, how come stuff isn't rolling all over the damn place? Doesn't make sense, does it?"
In all seriousness, the truth is I had to re prioritize some things. Long story short, I wasn't spending enough time with my kid. It's hard to justify spending upwards of two hours sitting in front of a computer every day, especially when engaged in something as self-indulgent as blogging, and even more especially when it's not making you any money. How can you justify not spending that time with your child instead?
You can't. I tried.
The little fuckers come first, man.
Then there was the issue of my Internet service being disconnected. And a bill to the cocksuckers at RCN that clearly could not be paid off unless I started putting myself out to stud for mannish lesbians who want the bun without the baker.
Then something miraculous happened. I turned on my computer one day, and I was reconnected. It's like Jesus came down and used his Christ magic to get me web access. Like he did with the wine and the fish, except this is a really impressive and decidedly useful miracle.
I suppose updates are in order.
My daughter is fine. We're spending a whole lot more time together. A few days ago I noticed that her front tooth was hanging, literally, by a thread of pink flesh. I should tell you that one of my phobias is losing my teeth. I have an unreasonable amount of anxiety about falling and getting a tooth knocked loose. Loose teeth, as a result, are unbearably gross to me. Of course, my daughter is fascinated by them. She pushes them back and forth with the tip of her tongue.
"Look, daddy," she says.
"No thanks," I say. "I'm sure it's looser than hell."
But this one was so loose I felt compelled to call my mother. "Ma," I said. "This thing shoulda fell out a long time ago. Why is it taking so long?"
"Claude," she said soberly. "You're gonna have to pull it out."
"No fucking way," I said.
"You're her father. Who else is going to do it?"
"I'm willing to outsource."
My mother agreed to do the deed, but shame eventually got the better of me and I decided I would do it myself. It is not to be underestimated how absolutely horrified I was. I would have preferred to stick my finger in that hole in the sink that stops it from flooding. Which is quite gross by the way. But it's got nothing on loose teeth.
"Sweetie," I said. "I have to pull that tooth."
She cried and ran and pleaded, so I told her that I wouldn't pull it out. I just wanted to see how loose it was. Then I got my hand in there and yanked the thing out.
Blood gushed everywhere, and a little piece of pink flesh was dangling where her tooth used to be. She screamed, "You lied to me! Why did you lie, Daddy?"
I ran out of the room for fear that I might vomit. Then I got myself together and made her a glass of warm salt water. "Gargle with this," I said.
When she looked at me I saw the little piece of pink flesh again. "What the fuck is that?" I thought. "Should that be there? Did I fuck her mouth up?"
I called my mother. "Ma," I said. "What the fuck is this pink shit dangling from her gum? I think I may have fucked her mouth up."
She assured me it would go away eventually. And it did.
Until it did, I avoided looking at her face directly. That shit was way gross.
Well, that's it for now. I won't be blogging daily anymore. But I will do my best to write at least once a week.
I leave you with the new video for my new single "Government Game". Enjoy.
Thanks for reading.
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